Anna Scholl | Organistin, Cembalistin, Dirigentin
Since 2017, Anna Scholl has presided as
Organist over the historic organs in
Altenbruch (Klapmeyer, 1498/1730) and
Lüdingworth (Wilde/Schnitger 1598/1682) and
is the Artistic Director for the internationally
renowned concert series on the two
instruments. She is also Guest Lecturer for
Harpsichord and Continuo/Early Music
Ensemble Conducting at the Université
Antonine in Beirut, Lebanon, and is Director of
the baroque orchestra "Café international"
with which she specialises in operas and
oratorios of the late baroque period.
From 2021 she will be artistic director of the stadtKLANG Cuxhaven festival. As a lecturer for organ, harpsichord, ensemble direction and basso continuo, she has worked at several universities and conservatories in Germany, Lebanon and Switzerland or given Masterclasses.
Born in Göppingen, Germany, Scholl studied church music, organ, conducting and harpsichord at the
Conservatories in Berlin, Stuttgart, Basel and Hamburg, where her teachers were Wolfgang Zerer, Jörg Halubek, Andrea Marcon, Frank Löhr, Annedore Hacker-Jakobi and Jörg-Andreas Bötticher among
others. At the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switzerland, she was awarded two master's degrees in historically-informed performance practice (organ), both with high honours.
She has been a finalist in many important organ competitions, and received the Hans
Balmer Prize in 2016 and 2018. Her career as a concert artist as an organist, harpsichordist and continuo player has taken her to important historical instruments throughout Germany, France,
Austria, and Italy. As a harpsichordist and conductor from the keyboard, she has been
involved in many baroque opera and oratorio as well as cross over productions, including Handel's Rodrigo and
Alexander’s Feast, and Cavallieri's Rappresentation di Anima e di Corpo. A multitude of CDs and videorecordings
document her musical output.